Blogger Tricks

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gadoh [2008]

 Info :

Client: KOMAS
Year: 2009
Issue: Film Festival
Role: Web Design and Implementation

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Gadoh is a film about that courage, and I have no doubt that many would have complaints about it. They would say that it is tasteless and offensive. It ignores political correctness. It demonises figures of authority and encourages disobedience. It brings up issues considered to be taboo. It might give our country a bad name if an outsider watches it. The high school kids in it smokes and drinks. There's racial slurs in it. The mentor of these kids lights up like the Marlboro Man in every other scene. What they would fail to see is that Gadoh is also completely truthful (even the underage smoking and drinking bits). It's a testament to the reality that every Malaysian has to deal with everyday.

ScreenShot :


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